Part II of III: #5 Things To Do If You Suffer a Food Injury?
In Part I of this Food Injury blog series we talked about the #4 most common food injuries: Allergic Reaction, Contaminated Food, Objects in the Food and Burning caused by food. Now we will cover #3 things you need to immediately do if you suffer from a food injury.
#1: Seek Immediate Medical Attention
This is obvious but extremely important for your health and legal case. Food injuries can be life threatening. It is imperative you immediately go to a walk-in clinic, emergency room or telemedicine with your primary care physician.
Make sure you clearly write in the initial intake sheet and articulate to the attending medical provider what you ate, when you ate it, where you ate it and the adverse reaction it caused.
You also want to make sure that the medical provider is doing all of the available medical tests to determine cause of illness (i.e. bacteria from food etc.). This has to be clearly stated in the medical provider’s notes/chart.
#2: Immediately Submit a Customer Complaint Form
Do all that you can to submit a customer complaint form in person, by email or phone the same day of the food injury (or latest the next day). If you are not feeling well and can’t go in person than send an email through the vendor’s website or call the customer service line and report the food injury. Make sure you keep records of what you submitted and who you spoke too.
#3: Preserve the Evidence (food, pictures and receipt)
Documenting the food injury is critical. If you can, take pictures of the food or better yet preserve the food – please do it! Although gruesome, take pictures of any vomit, blood, burn or rashes (or just being in the ER). Lastly, try to keep a copy of the receipt (if they had the audacity to charge you).
#4: Request Medical Records
Medical records is the single most important evidence to prove a food injury case. It contains a report of what happened and the diagnoses. Make sure you request a copy of all your medical records from providers that treated your food injury.
#5: Call Us!
Timing in these cases is everything! It really is critical to preserve your potential for compensation to contact us immediately. We can assist in the filing the customer complaint and sending a letter of representation to headquarters. We will you handle the complexities that arise in food injury cases.
In Part III of III of our Food Injury blog series, we will discuss: #2 Legal Theories That Apply in Food Injury Cases to Obtain Compensation.
We are experienced personal injury trial lawyers in State and Federal Court. Insurance companies take us seriously. We fight to obtain the maximum compensation for you.
Contact us now for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your food injury case.
It does not cost you anything to hire us.
We are compensated only if we win.
We are here for you and your loved ones 24/7 because emergencies do happen.
Author: Gil Sanchez, Esq.
CEO & Senior Trial Attorney
Personal Injury | Complex Civil Litigation | Civil Rights
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